Public Notices
March 18, 2025 7:00 pm Planning Commission Meeting​
Marquette Township Board
2025 Planning Commission Quarterly Meeting Dates
2025: If there is no business to be brought before the Commission the meeting will be cancelled.
March 13 Public Hearing SLUP 7:00 pm Public Hearing Rezoning Request 7:30 pm Ad Attached
June 18 7:00 pm
September 17, time TBD
December 3, time TBD
Pay Property Taxes with Credit/Debit Card
Pay online starting July 1st.
Click Here for Allpaid Payment Processing
Use the above link to pay your property taxes online with a credit or debit card. You will be directed to the Allpaid services website to complete the payment.
You can pay up to two parcels at a time.
You must include your parcel number for payment. Marquette Township parcel numbers start with 007 followed by eight digits, such as: 007-###-###-##
Marquette Township does NOT charge a fee to process credit or debit payments; however, AllPaid will charge 2.65% of the total tax amount to be paid.
Marquette Township's PLC (payment location code) for Allpaid is "a0050g" please take note of this when completing payment.
Summer taxes paid during winter will have late fees assessed. Outstanding balance + fee.
1% - Sept 15th - Sept 30​
2% - Oct 1 - Oct 31
3% - Nov 1 - Nov 30
4% - Dec 1 - Dec 31
5% - Jan 1 - Jan 31
6% - Feb 1 - Feb 28
After March 1st the payment portal will close for the tax season.
Please contact Mackinac County Treasurer for payment after March 1st.
Alternative link for payment: (you will need to search for "a0050g" or "Marquette Township" from this link.​
Questions - Email township treasurer at: for questions or call 906-440-6577
Local Announcements
Board meetings are 7:00 pm on the first Monday of the month
Tax bills are mailed July 1st (Summer bills) and December 1st (Winter bills).
Online credit or debit payments are now accepted.
Tax payments can be made at the Pickford or Cedarville branches of Central Savings Bank. A copy of your bill is required to make the payment.
Payment can also be left in the township drop-box located at the Marquette Township hall.
Summer taxes will have a 1% fee added Sept 15th - 30th, this increases to 2% for October. The fee increases an additional 1% per month thereafter. (Nov - 3%; Dec 4%; Jan 5%, Feb 6%)
Winter Tax payments are due February 28th, 2022.
The treasurer will hold office hours at the Town Hall from 9am to 5pm to collect taxes on September 16th 2024.

Thank you for your interest in Marquette Township. If you have a question, or concern, or would simply like to get in touch, please see the information below.
Marquette Township, PO Box 36, Pickford, MI 49774
Supervisor: 269-352-2096; Clerk: 906-440-5445; Treasurer: 906-440-6577